Our Accessiblity interface let’s you adjust various parameters of the website to your own needs. All of those, are in order for you to be able the use and view the website to your own optimal level. Amongst the options are changing font family and adjusting sizes, colors and spacing, emphasizing titles and links, adapting the website to screen reading software, keyboard navigation, activating a virtual keyboard and more.
Our accessibility interface works in two different ways. The first is manual, which means that you can manually adapt the display and usage of the website to your needs. The second is automatic. Clicking the Basic Accessibility button will automatically generate several processes behind the scenes, that will ease the use of the entire website without you having to adapt anything manually.
In order to leave Feedback or ask for help, simply click the Feedback button at the bottom of the interface. After clicking it, you reach our contact page and can send us a message.
Text adjustment options are the first group of options of the interface. Within the options you’ll be able to find: Increase or Decrease of the font size, readable font, emphasize titles, emphasize links, text magnifier, letter spacing, word spacing, line height, text alignment to the left, center or the right, and more. Please note that you may not be able to see all the options right there. If you don’t, click the ‘Show More Text Adjustments’ this button will display the entire set of options.
Color and display options are the second group of options of the interface. Within the options you’ll be able to find: dark contrast, light contrast, monochrome, show image descriptions, adaptation to screen reading software, stop animations, text color adjustment, title color adjustment, background color adjustment and more. Please note that you may not be able to see all the options right there. If you don’t, click the ‘Show More Color & Display Adjustments’ this button will display the entire options.
Navigation options are the second group of options of the interface. Within these options you’ll be able to find: emphasize focus, emphasize hover, big white cursor, big black cursor, zoom in and zoom out of the entire website window and more. Please note that you may not be able to see all the options right there. If you don’t, click the ‘Show More Navigation Adjustments’ this button will display the entire options.
In order to use the keyboard to navigate the website, click the ‘Keyboard Navigation’ button at the top of the interface. After clicking it, a confirmation window will appear, indicating this feature has been turned on. Afterwards, you’ll be able to use the TAB key to navigate between clickable items, SHIFT + TAB to go back, and click ENTER to activate a focused item.
In order to activate the Virtual Keyboard feature, click the ‘Virtual Keyboard’ button at the top of the interface. After activating it, the next time you’ll hit a form element to enter details, a virtual keyboard will pop on the screen, allowing you the use it instead of a physical keyboard.
In order to skip directly to the main content of the website, simply click the ‘Skip to Main’ button near our search feature. Clicking it will scroll you down or up the page directly to the main content of the page.
The ‘Basic Accessibility’ button automatically activates a series of events and functions behind the scenes. Those include adapting the website to screen reading software, building image descriptions from context, adapting the website to keyboard navigation, handling non-accessible form elements, and more.
The Accessibility Interface allows you to search for keywords and contents on the page. Entering input to the search field will automatically highlight found matching words, and scroll you down the page directly to them. In addition, at the top of the interface, you’ll be able to change the position of the interface (from left to right and the opposite), and to change the size of it (big or small). Clicking the ‘eye’ icon will allow you to completely hide the accessibility interface.